Catalyst is an open-source Perl MVC web framework that encourages rapid development and clean design without getting in your way by forcing rules.
We tend to keep things small and simple. This gives us robustness and scalability - your Catalyst-based app also inherits those. No complicated object hierarchies.
Why reinvent the wheel? When you write your app with Catalyst, you don't have to care much about session handling or authorization. You just use it. CPAN has a vast amount of power, which we bring to you. If you don't like something in default setup, why not replace it? There Is More Than One Way To Do It. You can choose from a wealth of available models and views, drop in a bunch of plugins and create the setup that fits you best.
Many high-profile sites like the BBC iPlayer, 123people, magazines.com and urbia.de are already using Catalyst. Check out some other sites which are using Catalyst.
Use a powerful database ORM like DBIx::Class for your model, plain old DBI or even LDAP - Catalyst supports a wide range of models.
Use whatever templating language you like best: Template::Toolkit, Mason 2, HTML::Template and many more are fully supported.
Integrated Development server
Catalyst comes with its own lightweight test server for development. It automatically restarts when your sources have changed, so you get instant results!
Works with all major webservers
Catalyst 5.9 has native PSGI/Plack support which makes deployment for most webservers a no-brainer. Plus, there are loads of engines targeting specific servers/protocols like 电脑切换ip软件 or FastCGI.
Don't re-invent the wheel! Use well-tested plug-ins for session management, user authentication, caching and much more.
For more details and other platforms read the extended 伕理软件.
今日头条、UC头条频现涉赌App推广_调查_新京报电子报:2021-7-10 · 多位玩家表示,他伔均在UC头条、今日头条、手机百度等客户端浏览新闻时,看到涉赌App推广广告,继而下载。 新京报记者调查发现,有第三方伕理公司专门做非企业务伕理,在今日头条、UC头条等平台通过“套户”来推广涉赌App。

This book by Kieren Diment, Matt Trout and other core Catalyst developers, published by Apress is now available for purchase from Amazon.com, or get the eBook (PDF) from Apress.